• Newmark NP Panda

    Newmark NP Panda

    Manufacturer: Newmark Watch Company | Price: £279 GBP ($345 USD, €320 EUR) For those of you that speak to me over on our Facebook group, WhatChat, will know that I’m a big fan of Newmark Watch Company. I’m also friends with the owner, Ewan Wilson ever since I contacted him […]

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  • Sinn 556i

    Sinn 556i

    Manufacturer: Sinn | Price: €1,140 EUR (£995 GBP, $1,240 USD (Approx)) Yet again, my good friend Dennis Kwok has come to the rescue and sent me his Sinn 556i to review. I’ve had Sinn on my radar for years and although I’ve tried to source one for review, I’ve had […]

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  • Vario Empire

    Vario Empire

    Manufacturer: Vario | Price: £299 GBP ($365 USD, €340 EUR (Approx)) I’ve been in contact with Ivan and Judy, the owners of Vario for quite some time now. I actually have quite a few straps here that Judy sent me over to review. I will be reviewing the straps once […]

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  • Hamtun Kraken H2

    Hamtun Kraken H2

    Manufacturer: Hamtun | Price: £299 GBP ($375 USD, €345 EUR (approx)) As I stated a couple of months ago, I’ve had Hamtun Watches on my radar for absolutely ages! I originally backed their campaign on Kickstarter back in March of last year for the Kraken H2, right up until the […]

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  • Aquacy Cave Diver

    Aquacy Cave Diver

    Manufacturer: Aquacy Watch | Price: $295 USD (£195 GBP, €220 EUR (approx)) I stumbled upon the Aquacy brand pretty much by accident when I was first offered a sample piece from a fellow reviewer and to be honest, at the time, I was just way too busy. I had a […]

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  • Traska Freediver II

    Traska Freediver II

    Manufacturer: Traska | Price: $375 USD (£305 GBP, €345 EUR (Approx)) There’s no question or doubt in my mind that I’m a big fan of Traska watches. I bought their original Freediver and reviewed it quite some time ago, where it received an absolutely glowing review. On the basis of […]

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